When I first chose to major in Computer Science, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Data science, cybersecurity, web designing; I did not realize how many paths it could lead me down. All throughout high school, in the back of my mind were always the desires of my parents, to become a doctor. Being asian, it’s kind of expected by parents to try to pursue being a doctor, a nurse, or something in the medical field. However, also in the back of my mind were the desires of my own, something to do with video games. A bunch of Google searches led to choose Computer Science as my major, as it would get me to be able to do game development or something of that nature.
Having done ICS 111, 211, and 212, my search in what I want out of the field has gone without success. Sure, we could program a game by the end of 111, but did not feel like the real thing for some reason. However, now that I’m in 314, while still in the second week and not having the chance of seeing applications of Javascript in game development, I look forward to the rest of the semester. Just seeing a video of all of Minecraft being coded in Javascript gets me excited for what it can do, or rather what I can do with it.
Since I have no experience with software engineering, I have nothing in particular to look forward to learning about. Like with Java and C/C++, I hope to learn all I can about Javascript and hope to apply it in later projects down the road. However, I am feeling a bit more optimistic about Javascript over the other two languages.